Wednesday, January 25, 2012

#5: The President & His Wife

Heavenly Father has blessed me because He loves me.  He placed a wonderful family here in Tennessee that I have grown to love very, very much. 

Our Mission President and his family came to Nashville last June.  I have become close friends with their daughters, and have been blessed to be able to serve so close to their home.  Every transfer that rolls around, I expect to be transferred somewhere far away from them.  So it has been a blessing to be near them for almost 7 months!

President is one of the most loving and understanding men I have ever met.  I have watched him as he cares for the needs of his 5 youngest daughters, treating them with respect and continually expressing his love for them.  I know he is the same kind of father that our Heavenly Father is.  I see so much of God in this wonderful man.  Not only does he care for his 10 children in this manner, but he cares for each of the missionaries this way-all 140 of us!

His wife is incredible.  One particular day I was struggling with my physical health.  As I opened up to her about my struggles, she reached over and gave me a long hug.  Expressing her love for me, she told me that I could handle this.  She also told me she would fast for me.  Her fast meant so much to me.  It gave me great hope!  Since that day, I have still struggled with some health issues, but my ability to endure has been strengthened.  I know it was because she selflessly fasted for me. 

I wish I could accurately describe how much I love these two individuals and their 5 young girls.  My mission would be so different without them.  They are my family.  I will ALWAYS have them close to my heart.  I hope I can raise my children like President and his wife have raised their family. 

I know Heavenly Father loves me because He sent this family to bless and strengthen me.

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