Saturday, February 25, 2012

#19: Gratitude

Heavenly Father has given me so much.  I post a lot about reasons I know why HE loves ME.  But now, I want to focus on reasons I love HIM.

God has given me a lot.  I am grateful for His blessings. 

I decided today is my last day doing "100 Reasons Why God Loves Me."  Because I need to focus on why I love God.  So, today is a farewell to the forever long posts...

I love God because He loves me.  I am His daughter.  He is my sure rock and foundation.  As King Benjamin says, "O,  How you ought to thank your Heavenly King!"

The way we live is a reflection of our gratitude for all that our Heavenly King has given us.  Do we want to make the journey of life without stopping to smell the roses?  I hope not! 

I hope we can follow the advice of President Kennedy and show appreciation to Heavenly Father by living with a grateful heart.

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