Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Caution Signs

Do you keep others away from you
by putting up mental walls in your life?

 Do you create barriers to keep those whom you could love from getting too close to you?

Today, an Elder told me the following story:
We were called and asked to come give a blessing to a young cancer patient at a nearby hospital.  As we walked to the childs room, we saw multiple signs bodly stating, "CAUTION", "BEWARE", "ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK".  We turned to the nurse and asked, "Will we be okay to go in?"  The nurse smiled and urged us forward.  Nervously we entered into the room, placed our hands upon the childs head, and gave her a blessing.  The love we felt for that child was stronger than the cautionary fear we had felt coming into the room. 
Sometimes people place caution signs around their lives.  At a first glance, we might be afraid to come near them, or to love them because we do not want to be in danger.  But as we break down those barriers and learn to love unconditionally, then we truly exemplify the Savior.

This struck me powerfully today.  Many times I find myself putting up caution signs around my life.  I'm nervous to let people in-scared to allow others through my protective walls.  But as those barriers come down, we allow the beautiful love of God to enter into our hearts.  That's my goal this week-to love everyone regardless of what their emotional or social barriers are, and to allow all and everyone into my life completely! Barrier Free!

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