Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Music to His Ears

I love music.  I was introduced into the world of music at a young age.  My parents love music.  In fact, their first date was to the symphony!  My sister and I began learning violin at a young age.  It took a lot of hard work and practice.  As I get older and practice smarter, my musical abilities increase.  I have gained a love for performing. 

I've played in small group settings, as well as large group settings.  I've gone on music tours, including a tour to Italy along with several other violinists, to play in various Cathedrals.  In all these different settings, the feeling is the same; excitement, nervousness, and thrill fill my body.

However, the feeling I have when I play in an LDS Chapel is different.

Whenever asked to play in Church or for a fireside, I feel the weight of a calling.  I'm not just playing violin in a venue, I'm playing for my Father in Heaven.  It is how I bear testimony of Him.  It is how I communicate with Him.

When I play in a dedicated house of God, my heart swells with emotion.

While in Italy, we had the opportunity to do a musical number for a small branch in Rome during the Sacrament Meeting.  Before church started, we tried to communicate with the members, but hardly any of them spoke English.  But though we did not speak the same language, we could feel the spirit teaching each of us the same things.  As time for the musical number came, we performed a duet for "O My Father."
 Each violinist felt the Spirit as we played.  Many in the congregation and on stage cried as we played.  The melody sank into my heart, and gratitude for the Restoration of the Gospel overwhelmed me.

I knew Heavenly Father heard my testimony that day.  I knew He loved me and those members in Italy.  I felt it.  As I have continued to play violin in firesides on my mission, I feel my Father's love for all those around me.

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