Thursday, November 17, 2011

Family Home What?

So, what's all the hullabullu about Famly Home Evening?  What IS Family Home Evening?

Well folks, it's great. 

Once a week, usually on Monday nights, members of the LDS Church take extra time with their families.  They use resource books, such as the Family Home Evening book, websites like and, The Bible, Book of Mormon and other scriptures, and stories for an evening devotional. 

Usually Family Home Evening (sometimes referred to as F.H.E.) begins with a song and a prayer.  Then a lesson is taught.  After the lesson, often times an acivity is planned.  Followed by my personal favorite; dessert!

Why is this short little program so important? 

It keeps our families glued together.  As we teach each other about Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father, we grow closer to them, and closer to one another. 

I remember so many FHE nights that I did not want to be there.  But I went, and I generally left in a happier mood. 

Some of my favorite memories were listening to my parents teach us about the Plan of Salvation and how it would lead us to a better and happier life.  I remember we would sing the hymns, Called To Serve, and Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel.  Most imporantly I remember what I felt.  I remember that I felt the Spirit.  I felt safe.  I felt loved and secure.  I always knew that Mondays were a special time for our family, and they still are!  I might be 1,600 miles away from them, but every Monday night I know they are having Family Home Evening and learning about all the great things I get to teach to the people of Tennessee.

Family Home Evening makes a difference.  Can you imagine the strength that would come to the entire international family if we all had F.H.E.?

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