Tuesday, February 21, 2012

#16: Change

Heavenly Father loves me because He brings me change.  He has given me so many opportunities to learn and grow. 

Before my mission, I always saw change as a bad thing.  I hated change!  It was difficult, and often times stressful.  Then I met Ellen.  Ellen joined the church almost a year ago.  One day as my companion and I sat in her living room, she told us about how she had come into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  She told us that she had lost her husband years ago.  It had sent her into a depressed state.  She struggled finding happiness in anything, and felt so alone.  Finally, one of her sons called her on the phone and said, "Mom, change is part of life."  Ellen said she didn't realize that she had been given this incredible opportunity to change her life. Though she was facing a difficult trial, she was able to make change a positive experience.  After she told us this story, she closed her eyes, nodded her head and said, "Change is good.  Change is good."

This experience touched me.  It has taught me to embrace the changes that occur in my life.  It has taught me to love the moments along the road to change, and to see change as a positive thing. 

This week I am excited for change.  Transfers occurred today-meaning I received a new companion.  Her name is Sister Ratuvukivuki.  I am excited for change.  It will bring miracles to our area, a new light and energy to the work, and many blessings. 

I love this quote by Elder Oaks.  In my experience, it is true.  Our Heavenly Father blesses us when we embrace change.  Accepting change takes humility and patience.  We must be willing to be obedient to the Father's will.  It is difficult, but I know it is worth it.

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