Thursday, March 3, 2011

Why Must We Forgive?

The power of Forgiveness is real.  With it, wounds are healed and hearts rejoice.  Without it, what was once love turns into loathing. Frustrations turn to hatred for others, and ultimately, we find our selves in despair and scorn ourselves and those we love around us.
Sometimes it is not easy to forgive others.  Especially during times when something someone else has done has hurt us so immensely that it leaves us in despair.  But there is still hope. 

An apostle, Elder Jeffery R. Holland of the LDS Church made the following statement:

   "I am most amazed at the moment when Jesus, after staggering under His load to the crest of Calvary, said, 'Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do' (Luke 23:34).
If ever there is a moment when I indeed stand all amazed, it is this one. When I consider Him bearing the weight of all our sins and forgiving those who would nail Him to the cross, I ask not 'How did He do it?' but 'Why did He do it?'   In the Sermon on the Mount, before He stated that perfection is our goal, He gave something of a last requirement. He said all must 'love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you' (Matthew 5:44). 
   "When it comes to our own sins, we don’t ask for justice. What we plead for is mercy—and that is what we must be willing to give.  I stand all amazed that even for a man like me, there is a chance. If I’ve heard the “good news” correctly, there really is a chance—for me and for you and for everyone who is willing to keep hoping and to keep trying and to allow others the same privilege."

We must forgive others so we can be forgiven.  If we cannot learn to forgive, then those grudges, those wedges in our lives will eat at us until we are consumed with fear, misery, and even hatred.  Those are feelings that only Satan wants us to feel, because he is miserable and hates us.  Trust in the Lord, let Him heal our burdens so we may forgive and become one with God.

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