Our Zone theme for this transfer is "Fire". Our great Zone Leaders made our entire zone Planner Covers. They've been a great reminder to keep the fire going in the missionary work.
Sometimes it's hard to keep the fire going. Some days, I'm so worn out, so tired, that all I want to do is crawl into my bed and sleep. Some days are so frustrating, as I watch those I love reject the gospel truths. The turmoil eats at me, and diminishes my fire.
As we were presented with this theme earlier this week, I've thought, "How can I keep my fire bright?" I've come to a few conclusions.
First, I have to focus my thoughts. If my thoughts are resting on loved ones back at home, then I'm not focusing on my loved ones whom I'm serving. If my mind wanders to things that don't pertain to gospel matters, then again, I'm losing an opportunity to learn by the spirit. And if I can't learn by the spirit, how can I teach with the spirit?
If I keep my Father's commandments, then I will be able to speak with the tongue of angels. A tongue so powerful, that it is like fire.
Which comes to my second conclusion on how to keep my fire bright. I must be obedient. When I get on my knees each morning in prayer, I must pray with more diligence. When I study the Book of Mormon and other scriptures, I must hold them as the sacred words that they truly are.
I know that as I strive to keep my fire alive, that my life, as well as those I teach, will be blessed. Because I am trying to follow my Heavenly Father.
Thanks for helping me brighten my fire!