Wednesday, February 1, 2012

#9: Patchwork of Contrast

Life is like a patchwork quilt. Both are made up of different textures, elements, materials, and imaginations.  Just as each patchwork quilt varies in design, color, and fabric, each life is different in experience, relationships, trial and joy.
Here is what a couple of my friends said about their patchwork lives:
 It takes time to finish the patchwork....just because we can see a bunch of holes still, doesn't mean we aren't exactly where we need to be.
The challenge is in seeing beauty and growth in all aspects of the patchwork of our lives. It is in living with faith, with a knowledge that we are children of our Heavenly Father, that we can enjoy each patchwork square. With faith in Jesus Christ and the Lord, we have an eternal perspective of this life. We know that our difficulties are often our times of greatest growth and increased faith. Through the companionship of the Holy Ghost, we know that troubled times will pass. We seek after those things that bring beauty, love and joy to our lives.

I am grateful that my life is like a patchwork quilt.  Some days are difficult.  Others are filled with beautiful joy.  Some moments weigh my heart down.  At other moments, I am so happy that I can't seem to keep my feet on the ground!
One thing is definitely certain-God is in all.  Because God loves me, He has blessed me with unbearable days.  These days seem like ugly patches in the quilt of life, but to me, they make the other patches and other days of my life look that much more beautiful in contrast.

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