Tuesday, January 3, 2012

6 Minutes to Post

I have six minutes to post something on here.  Are you ready?

Happy New Year everyone!  Just a quick face update--my face is back to normal.  100%!  It was such a funny day.  My hives have disappeared, and the only thing I have left to show for it are a couple of mug shot photos. 

Here are a few other updates on life...

I received an MRI and discovered what has been bothering my back.  I've been experiencing back and leg pain since last August.  I have Degenerative Disc Disease and Piriformus Syndrome.  After a few physical therapy sessions, I should be good as new!  As long as I continue to work out every day, I should not have too many painful days.  That is a great relief to me.  There is always light at the end of the tunnel.

I am so grateful to all who have fasted and prayed for my back to heal.  Thank you for your prayers and your love in supporting me on this great mission adventure. 

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